Lean into Light to return to your own

Lean into Light to return to your own

March 4th, 2024

Hello dear friend,

How do we meet the gray of Monday? As the day carries on, I’m in the midst of channeling focus into flow and only now coming to this page.

Truly, Mondays are most often a challenge. In candor, meeting my passion and responsibilities with steadiness that allows for inspiration to manifest- I find it necessary for me to lean into light. Light as life force I receive best from radiance of another (my teachers), and in radiance found in the simple aliveness in nature (daily walks). This light, radiance as life force then returns me to my own. To channel into responsibilities and passions. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, witnessing its nourishment fill my entire spine from root to crown.    

Then. Inspiration. Today, the 2nd chakra as March welcomes this season of water and wind, held by earth. The teachings of feeling into sensation, the sweetness and enjoyment of life- with fresh eyes like a child. A beginner’s mind. A spring reawakening. What it means to occupy the seat of the self- Svadhisthana. Sva means self. Adhisthana means dwelling place; that which is established and secure. Ref- Gabrielle Harris

How can you lean into the light from the life of nature around you? Refreshed to life’s radiance. Bulbs begin to sprout, birds gather and sing, and the brisk winds blow to express the aliveness to the land and its creatures. Remembering each life is the sun, is light. While always the storms and struggles, I am grateful to be both in nature and with the support of my teachers- their radiance to remind me of my own.  

Receive in another’s light to remind you of your own. To remember the interconnectedness we all share as we meet the storms, the joys, and the in-betweens. Here with you in practice and in love & light.


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